Use this page to help amplify information about intellectual freedom and a student's right to read on social media and other online platforms. Below you will find social media cards, infographics and videos that can be easily downloaded and shared online. We are always adding to this page so check back often!
Videos to Share
Use the videos below to share explanations, details, and overviews regarding book banning, censorship, and intellectual freedom, in fun and engaging ways! *NOTE* We encourage you to ALWAYS watch a video in full before sharing. Videos included here, while excellent information resources, may sometimes contain profanity, or references to sexual incidents, events, or abuse.
Clip Art Quotes
Video Testimonials

Mandey Collins, Community Member

Tiffany Palmatier, Parent & Teacher

Jennifer Bull Vol. 1, Parent & Teacher

Jennifer Bull Vol. 2, Parent & Teacher

Chris Hass, Parent & Teacher

Rian Jenkins, Teacher

Ian Johnson, Student
The Attacks on Our Libraries
Developed by Louisiana Citizens Against Censorship, the infographic describes common community and legislative actions taken against school and public libraries, and how these are actions not just against books, but against people. Download the image to the right or download the infographic as a PDF file below.

How to Support Your Public Library: 7 Steps to Take
Based on an article written by librarian and author, Alex Brown (they/them), later shared as a powerful twitter thread, the infographic lists a series of concrete steps that you can take to support public libraries facing book and programming bans; as well as steps you can take pro-actively to prepare for future challenges. The steps also can be applied to school libraries facing the same hostilities. Download the image to the left, or download the infographic as a PDF file below.

Ten Ways You Can Help Your Local Public Library
Developed by Dr. Katie Clark, from the Altadena Library District Board of Trustees, the infographic also lists a series of concrete steps that you can take to support public libraries facing book and programming bans; along with ways you can encourage and support inclusive book purchases by library systems. Like other materials in this toolkit, the infographic can be adjusted for school library programs. Download the image to the left, or download the infographic as a PDF file below.

The Slippery Slope of Censorship in Libraries
This infographic was created by Louisiana school librarian, Tiffany Whitehead, for the Louisiana Association of School Librarians. It succinctly explains why limiting access to books by moving them to another library section is censorship in action, and what the roles of libraries and parents are when it comes to determining access to information. Like other materials in this toolkit, the infographic can be adjusted for school library programs. Download the image to the left, or download the infographic as a PDF file below.

Steps to Take for Banned Books Week (and year-round) for Library Workers and Community Members
Thanks to Kelly Jensen (former librarian and amazing journalist) who continues to pull together resources and information! Along with the infographics below, we HIGHLY recommend reading the article associated with each one so that you can pull highly needed details. The first infographic targets library workers. The second infographic outlines action steps parents, caregivers, educators, and community members can take, not only during Banned Books Week, but throughout the year.